Video Post: A Demonstration of The World Wide Web from Early 1994
When I was at the Copyright Office as Abraham L. Kaminstein Scholar in Residence, I happened to find the video below. Andy Johnson-Laird made it for the U.S. Copyright Office at some point shortly after the Mosaic web browser (the first one) was developed and the web began to take off, I’m estimating either in late 1993 or or early 1994. As far as I can tell it’s the first video demonstrating browsing the web. Andy Johnson-Laird has been kind of enough to give permission to share it further, and the Library of Congress Motion Picture Division gets the credit for transferring the tape to digital.
I know I shared this on Twitter a week or two ago, but not everyone follows me there, and this is too cool not to share again. This is anticipated to be the first of a series.